Mr. Daniel

12 12th 2023

Finding Zen Between Steps: A Photographer's Paradise

As a landscape photographer, I've chased sunrises around the globe, but none compare to the Annapurna dawn painted on Shepherd Holidays' 15-day canvas. Every bend in the trail was a postcard come to life: cascading waterfalls, sun-dappled forests, and snow-capped giants piercing the endless blue. Poon Hill, a sunrise amphitheater carved by the gods, left me speechless (and with enough clicks to fill a terabyte). But the trek wasn't just about capturing the majestic; it was about the intimate details - the prayer flags dancing in the wind, the crinkled smile of a teahouse owner handing me another cup of chai, the quiet power of a yak caravan traversing the mountain pass. Our guide, Pemba, with his eagle eyes and encyclopedic knowledge of flora and fauna, became my own National Geographic narrator, pointing out hidden wonders I'd otherwise miss. And the porters, with their tireless dedication, ensured my camera equipment reached every breathtaking viewpoint without a scratch. Shepherd Holidays' meticulous planning and genuine care for both trekkers and the environment made this more than just a photography expedition; it was a pilgrimage to the heart of serenity.